Allyship to Create a Better Workplace

Allyship to Create a Better Workplace sets organizations on the right path to foster a work environment where their Diversity, Equity, and strategic Inclusion (DE&I) efforts can be openly explored. Allyship is defined as an active and consistent practice of using power and privilege to achieve equity and inclusion while holding ourselves accountable to marginalized people’s needs.

This one-day workshop will enable people to connect across difference and build a more equitable and productive work environment. It aims to educate participants to question and address their biases and learn how to listen to and support marginalized groups in the workplace or elsewhere. These groups are usually at greatest risk of being targeted for discrimination based on certain personal characteristics such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, family/marital status, disability, medical or genetic condition and all other protected classes identified in federal, state and local fair housing and civil rights laws.

Participants will be provided tools and resources to help them start a process of engagement to confront discrimination or toxic behavior as they witness it daily and seek to deconstruct it institutionally. This workshop is not only about raising awareness and creating opportunities for shared learning and open dialogue, but also about ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive. There will be plenty of activities and various roleplays to learn about the different roles that marginalized groups and their “allies” need to play in order to advance inclusion and equity at their organizations and society at large.

Participants will learn:

  • What Allyship is and how it benefits all stakeholders
  • How to become an ally and how to partner with an ally
  • How to promote inclusion and diversity at their organization through allyship
  • How to prepare themselves to be allies or to find allies and partner with them
  • How allies and the marginalized individuals they support can best connect across difference
  • How allies can best coordinate their efforts to address inequality and discrimination in the workplace and change the status quo
  • How allies can take action to support their partners and amplify their voices

Please contact us for more information about this workshop.

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